Volume 20 - Winter 2014

Elegance For Rent

It’s You!

Renting a home doesn’t mean your space has to look the same as everyone else’s. You don’t need to knock out walls, change the flooring, or even paint in order to express your personal style. Here are a few simple, cost-effective ways to personalize an apartment. If a suggestion intrigues you, get the full instructions (and even more creative ideas) at Apartment Therapy [www.].

  • A canvas floorcloth can be painted to mimic a tiled floor.
  • Arrange vinyl stickers to create a patterned effect for a wall.
  • Use a piece of reclaimed wood, or paint or stencil a section of plywood, then lean it against your existing wall to add colour, texture, and/or character without painting the structure itself. The bonus is you can take it with you when you move on!
  • Put plants everywhere: not just in pots on floors but on wall hooks, and even hanging from the ceiling to resemble vine-covered chandeliers. Flowering plants will add both life and colour to your space.
  • Take your favourite digital photos of family, friends, or memorable vacations to a printer and get them turned into foam core posters. Surrounded with images of your people and your life, the apartment couldn’t possibly feel more you!

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